
Parents can:

Select which apps a child can access
View task schedule by day or by person
Assign chores by trust level, with 3 levels to choose from
See a child’s daily screen time, active chore list, and list of completed chores
Reward extra screen time to kids
Restrict device usage to phone, text, camera, and Choreio only
Set times of the day when a child’s phone is locked
Set daily limits for screen usage
Block specific apps or in-app purchases
Block child from deleting apps and using Siri
Block harmful websites
Set bedtimes
Set times when phone is restricted, like during school
Phone screens showing Choreio app, the best parental control app for iphone

Children can:

Access a list of assigned chores
Track and complete their assigned chores
Send pictures and messages about chores to their parents
Earn extra parent-approved screen time
Choreio is exclusively for Apple devices, and integrates with screen time and family time on Apple.
Child screen showing completed chores for Choreio iphone chore app
Child screen showing a photo of a completed chore for Choreio iphone chore app

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